This is my second time writing a blog. I tried blogging last year but unfortunately, I forgot my password so I did not pursue it. Luckily, our professor required us to have a blog so.... I'm back!

I really want to have a blog because I believe this can be a medium to express the feelings and ideas I cannot verbalize. Before, I used to release my stress and angst on my blog. I believe this will help me a lot.

Today, we discussed blogging and it's quite interesting because I didn't know some facts about it. I'm glad that I can be more literate in this topic. I know I can use this to improve my blog. Who knows? I might need it in the future. 

This is a big help for students like me. We can make blogging a career. It's fun to learn new things like this, isn't it? Learning is never boring. It's fun and exciting! 
I am not really a fan of introductions because I'm not a friendly person, I'm quite shy and I don't even know how to describe myself. I won't bother you with petty details about me. I won't give you much information because I'm a secretive and private person (I laughed at this one) so I'll just give you five silly things you should know about me. 

1. I'm a fan of rock bands.
I was a music lover since then. I have eclectic taste in music but I fell in love with the rock music industry. I found peace while listening to their songs. I love hearing the loud beating of the drums and the meaningful messages of the songs. Music rocks!

2. I love reading books.
My passion for reading began when I was in third year high school. It was after I finished "Para kay B" book by Ricky Lee. It was awesome! After that, I began saving money to buy the books I want. I love YA books. 

3. I don't like mainstream music.
Before, I was a hardcore mainstream music fan but as time passes by, it began changing. The popular songs now have no meaning. Artists began producing senseless songs. That was when I lost my interest in mainstream music. Now, I believe that there are more underrated artists that deserve the fame of some popular artists. Some underrated artists produce good music than the mainstream ones, don't they?

4. I am a sensitive person.
I feel everything so deeply. I don't know if that's a blessing or a curse.

5. I don't trust easily.
Trust is a really big word for me. I don't like sharing my secrets to everyone. I want to keep everything to myself.