Of Numbers and Letters

When  I was in high school, I thought I was good in Math. When I came here, I realized, my good wasn't good enough. Our team got the lowest score in the Inter-lab Quiz Con earlier. I feel bad. Not because we got the lowest score but because I thought I let my teammates down. I exerted effort and I tried to answer the questions correctly but it seems that I got confused on the numbers and letters.

The number systems is new to me. We didn't tackle that lesson in high school so I find it hard to understand. At first, I thought it was easy because it is just about the fundamental operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. I was shocked because when the quiz con started, I found the number systems so confusing. Maybe I need to study more. Maybe I need to allot more time to understand the number system fully.

"What's so hard about the number systems?" "You will just use 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and A, B, C, D, E, F." 

The number systems and binary is not difficult to grasp. It is just confusing at some points in time. I believe the time will come that I will master the number systems and it will be just basic to me. Who knows? Dreams do come true, right? 

All in all, I had fun listening and participating in our class. The video played was funny and informative same as the video played last time. Like what I've said, IT class was never boring. It is one of the most fun classes. What we did today, the discussion about the number systems and the quiz con, will be forever etched in my mind ( especially the score we got (: )

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