They say that dogs are man’s bestfriend. I say NO. I never liked dogs. We have a dog at our house named “Poknat” and I hate him so much because he’s so loud. He barks at everyone and I find it so irritating especially when he doesn’t stop. And because I hate dogs, I thought a cat would be the perfect pet for me. Cats are so fluffy, cute and quiet especially when they are still kittens. Their eyes look so beautiful. Their furs are soft and their tiny paws look so adorable. We don’t have cats but still, I love cats especially kittens to bits.

My dream pet :D

My neighbors are cat lovers. They own more than 3 cats. They roam around the house and make my neighbors happy. They are smart and very disciplined. They know where to poop and pee. They aren’t messy when eating and they sleep on their mats. They are very lovable and friendly. That’s why I love cats and kittens. I just wish kittens never grow old. They look cuter when they are younger :D

My neighbor's pet


Computers will not work without the presence of the system unit where all the processes are executed. People will be surprised when they know the wonders of the system unit and how it works. Before, I did not know the basic parts of the computer. We were taught information technology since elementary but the difference between the system unit and the CPU became clear to me when we were in high school. So now, I know that what most people call as CPU is not really the CPU but the system unit. The CPU is way way smaller than the system unit. That's one of the facts that every student using computers should know.

Nowadays, we only look at the facade of things. We do not dig deeper and we do not find ways to know what's the story behind those facades. We should look into the insides of things too to be enlightened and aware of how amazing it really is. You cannot say that a system unit is good unless you know the specs of its parts. Today, while we were exploring the parts of the system unit, I realized that a lot of people use computers but only few know the basic parts of it and its function. I realized that it is important to learn it because I think computers are becoming a necessity nowadays. People use it almost everywhere-in school, at home and even at work so having a little knowledge about computers is also necessary.

DISCLAIMER: I do not own the video. All rights belong its owner

Never have I ever imagined that making a post, video, or photo viral would be this hard. We've been tasked to make a video, meme, and tweet, viral. It's hard to make it trend especially when we only have few followers and we can't force everyone to give it a thumbs up or a like. We did everything we can to make it trend. We liked it and used hashtags to make it more noticeable. We tried hard to create a post that is attractive and funny. We tried to make it look good. We are happy with the results. The response made us glad because many people retweeted, favorited, liked or shared it even though we did not ask them to. The likes, shares, retweets and favorites we gathered came from the bottom of their hypothalamus. It feels good that we made someone happy with what we've done. 

Will we be famous after this? Definitely not! :D

We risked our dignity and pride in these. Just kidding! 

We can do things that are way out of our comfort zone for our grades. This is for IT1! For a better future! 

Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock.

I've never imagined an hour or two to be THAT fast.

Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. 

I've never loved programming.

Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. 

I've never heard of Python

Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. 

I'm... a... hopeless case.

At first, it was fine because our professor guided us. She gave us the first steps. But when  it was time for us to do it alone, or should I say by pair?, it didn't went well. Sadly, my partner and I both didn't know what to do next. So I tried to do it alone, step by step.

It was so hard because I was always doing it wrong. Error. Still error. I was so frustrated but that didn't stop me to continue what I'm doing. When I finally got it, the time left was not enough for me to finish it. I feel pressured. So pressured. I don't know if it is good or what. But I'm happy because I was able to do it despite of failing for so many times. :D

Some say that college days were the best days of their lives. I thought otherwise. Since school started, I was always occupied to do things that will be my passport to graduation. Where's the fun in that? College students are busy and sleep-deprived. I can't even complete an 8-hour long sleep. That were my thoughts in my first months here. I'm already waving goodbye to the fun I wish to experience.
I began to realize that those people were right. You will experience so much fun in college. Many firsts. First all-nighter. First failing grade. First party. First performance in large class. I never thought that I would have fun like this. I thought in college, we will just study hard and harder if it's not enough then pass the exam after. I never expected that I will go back to my childhood and play. Boy, IT1 keeps on proving me wrong. At first, I thought that it was just a game. Again, I was wrong. It wasn't just a game. Its purpose is to let us experience what happens in a computer. It was indeed an interactive way to teach students. Learning should not only focus on facts because that will only bore students. What we had today is a perfect example of what learning should be. Having fun but at the same time, challenging our minds. 

Once upon a time, there was a little girl who hates Math. She loathes the subject so much. She hates numbers. She hates fractions. She hates problems and everything in Math. Luckily, her best friend was a Math geek. Every time, they have assignments in that subject, they conduct group study. But she never liked Math so she just copies her best friend's assignment. (#Bad)

When she entered high school, they separated ways. Her best friend studied in a different school, far away from her. The girl got scared. "What will happen to me now? Nobody will help me understand Math," she said. 

She struggled at first. The Mathematics in elementary was way easier than the mathematics in secondary. She strive harder. The funny thing is, she became good in Math. What's funnier? She was chosen in her year level to be one of the representatives in a Mathematics contest. For four consecutive years, her team never failed to make it to the oral phase. She was good. Or so she thought. She eventually loved Math. Especially Algebra. 

Then she entered college. Little did she know that her love for Algebra will vanish in a single snap. She heard her friends rant about Boolean algebra but she never thought that she would do that to. She thought their lessons in this will get better but as time passes by nothing changed. It seems like she is being tested. Can she still do this? Of course yes. 

I want to be honest to myself and admit that I am having difficulties. I swear, I understood Prof. Drio's explanation in the lab so I went back to the dorm determined to finish the exercise given that same day. However when I looked at it again, everything I remembered became blurry. I tried to answer it but in some parts, I can't so I asked for my friend's help who happens to be an Applied Mathematics student here. She agreed to help. I just hope that what she taught me was really correct so I will get a high score in the exercise. Let it be known here that I'm trying. I'm trying so  hard. 

Sometimes, I feel like giving up because I honestly experience many difficulties in my subjects. But I'm not. Someone told me that life in UP is really tough. I'm not giving up because I know I'm lucky to be here. I'm one of those aspirants who made it here in the university. I need not to think of giving up because I have a lot of dreams to fulfill and this is the stage where it is almost within reach. I need to prep up because these are just small obstacles. Small obstacles that I can overcome. (#NeverGiveUp)

There are ten kinds of people in the world: those who understand binary numerals and those who don't

-Ian Stewart

I thought I was over addition and subtraction. I thought I already mastered the art of adding and subtracting. I know that:


However, I didn't know that 1+1 can also be equal to 10.That's when I knew that my life is screwed.

When I realized that there are a lot of things that I need to know, I started to pay attention in class. Especially in IT1 because I think I am so dumb whenever I attend that class. I feel so horrible. Just kidding! I actually like attending that class because i always learn something new. But I didn't expect that "something new" to be somewhat difficult. To be honest, I find it quite confusing. Yes. I am confused again. Sometimes it is easy. Sometimes it is not. I don't know if it is just the examples or not. All I know is at some points, I find it difficult to understand or hard to grasp. At some points. Not all the time.

I actually like working with someone. Two heads working are better than one. At least, I am not the only one who will suffer while dealing with those ones and zeroes. Kidding! 

I will study hard to get the whole context. I will use my spare time to review this lesson again so I can fully understand it. I will try my best not to give up on binary arithmetic. 

Exams are coming. Binary arithmetic, I love you. Please don't be too hard on me. 

When  I was in high school, I thought I was good in Math. When I came here, I realized, my good wasn't good enough. Our team got the lowest score in the Inter-lab Quiz Con earlier. I feel bad. Not because we got the lowest score but because I thought I let my teammates down. I exerted effort and I tried to answer the questions correctly but it seems that I got confused on the numbers and letters.

The number systems is new to me. We didn't tackle that lesson in high school so I find it hard to understand. At first, I thought it was easy because it is just about the fundamental operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. I was shocked because when the quiz con started, I found the number systems so confusing. Maybe I need to study more. Maybe I need to allot more time to understand the number system fully.

"What's so hard about the number systems?" "You will just use 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and A, B, C, D, E, F." 

The number systems and binary is not difficult to grasp. It is just confusing at some points in time. I believe the time will come that I will master the number systems and it will be just basic to me. Who knows? Dreams do come true, right? 

All in all, I had fun listening and participating in our class. The video played was funny and informative same as the video played last time. Like what I've said, IT class was never boring. It is one of the most fun classes. What we did today, the discussion about the number systems and the quiz con, will be forever etched in my mind ( especially the score we got (: )

This is my second time writing a blog. I tried blogging last year but unfortunately, I forgot my password so I did not pursue it. Luckily, our professor required us to have a blog so.... I'm back!

I really want to have a blog because I believe this can be a medium to express the feelings and ideas I cannot verbalize. Before, I used to release my stress and angst on my blog. I believe this will help me a lot.

Today, we discussed blogging and it's quite interesting because I didn't know some facts about it. I'm glad that I can be more literate in this topic. I know I can use this to improve my blog. Who knows? I might need it in the future. 

This is a big help for students like me. We can make blogging a career. It's fun to learn new things like this, isn't it? Learning is never boring. It's fun and exciting! 
I am not really a fan of introductions because I'm not a friendly person, I'm quite shy and I don't even know how to describe myself. I won't bother you with petty details about me. I won't give you much information because I'm a secretive and private person (I laughed at this one) so I'll just give you five silly things you should know about me. 

1. I'm a fan of rock bands.
I was a music lover since then. I have eclectic taste in music but I fell in love with the rock music industry. I found peace while listening to their songs. I love hearing the loud beating of the drums and the meaningful messages of the songs. Music rocks!

2. I love reading books.
My passion for reading began when I was in third year high school. It was after I finished "Para kay B" book by Ricky Lee. It was awesome! After that, I began saving money to buy the books I want. I love YA books. 

3. I don't like mainstream music.
Before, I was a hardcore mainstream music fan but as time passes by, it began changing. The popular songs now have no meaning. Artists began producing senseless songs. That was when I lost my interest in mainstream music. Now, I believe that there are more underrated artists that deserve the fame of some popular artists. Some underrated artists produce good music than the mainstream ones, don't they?

4. I am a sensitive person.
I feel everything so deeply. I don't know if that's a blessing or a curse.

5. I don't trust easily.
Trust is a really big word for me. I don't like sharing my secrets to everyone. I want to keep everything to myself.